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Sunday, January 5, 2014

It's A New Year!

Today I come to you with nothing but words.

I've decided, for a multitude of reasons, I do not want to participate in social media anymore. This means, specifically, facebook.
And I'd like to use this as an outlet to explain why I no longer wish to use this service anymore.

1. Because it is a complete waste of time.
This is first, because it is most obvious. I feel that over the years, I've gotten to a point where every time I have a spare moment I'm on my phone scrolling through my news feed, or on my computer staring at the same things, that I'm not even really reading, I'm just perusing over and over and over again. I decided to no longer have the app on my phone, to force myself to only use it on the computer, actively knowing I am wasting my time.

2. Because it makes high school last longer.
For a long time, I resisted the notion of discontinuing my facebook use, because I do have family on my personal page that are hard to keep in touch with otherwise. That still holds true, but honestly they're not popping up on my feed nearly as much as people that I used to see every day, 10 years ago. There are people I really and genuinely would love to keep in touch with that without facebook I would have lost all contact with, but there's also so many that we don't particularly want to talk to regularly, and vice versa. Doesn't that sound just like 20 minutes before homeroom? Having to deal with/listen to people simply because they are there and you feel you can't avoid it?

3. Because I don't want to be "keeping up with" you anymore.
This goes hand-in-hand with #2, but I mean something slightly different by this. I feel facebook creates, and breeds totally unnecessary drama. I will not say I am innocent of this. I find that in my ripe old age of 27, people are starting to settle down, have babies, buy homes, etc. That's all well and good(and I truly am happy for most of these people on my feed), but when it's shoved in my face in a "LOOKATME!!!" way, I'm sorry to say I'm not all that happy for you. I don't want to be told your life is perfect, much as I don't want to listen to people whine about how awful their life is. And that is all I ever see any more. We see it all the time, either there's a couple fighting with each other for all the world to see, or there's the couple who have nothing bad happening in their life and just COULD NOT be happier by any stretch of the imagination; you have the person who just got that great, awesome, incredible, new job and is just swimming in money(look at me now!), and the next post is the person who needs to tell everyone how crappy everything is, woe is me, feel bad for me. It's exhausting. I feel this breeds self-centered, attention-getting, and narcissistic behavior because everyone feels they have an audience. That may sound ironic coming from someone who created a blog to share their thoughts and experiments in everyday life, but I've really tried very hard in the last year to distance myself from the notion that people actually care about what I say, or my opinion.

This one is further down on the list because we ALL do it. Everyone. We've all gotten sucked in and faltered on this one. Everyone has posted something concerning their political standing, especially when there's a looming election(myself included, I admit to being horribly annoying). But, why do we all do this? All it does is annoy everyone else because no one agrees. We're turning ourselves into rage-balls because politics is so hot-button and no one ever agrees anymore. We all know everyone on our list is going to get aggravated and it's like we love knowing how ticked people will get, or how true it is...but where does it get you? What is the point? It's like being able to have your own press conference, I guess, and as I write this I realize a lot of what I wrote in #3 carries over to here.

5. Because I just don't need it.
I feel I have gotten so sucked in, and so dependent on facebook, that I've forgotten how useless it really is, and that it's not something I need to follow all the time. And when it comes down to it, I really just don't need it. I don't need to be reading all this stuff, wasting my time instead of being productive and actively trying to keep relationships I care about instead of scrolling through a bunch I probably wouldn't have otherwise. Furthermore, I just don't want it anymore.

I will admit I created a page specifically to post my blog stuff, so I'm not quitting entirely, but I won't be following my personal page anymore, and these are the reasons why. I feel that by only having a page for this blog, I will not be on there unless I have a purpose.

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