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Monday, January 6, 2014

Artisan Bread in 5

Today I would like to share with you something I have come to love, and also use on a weekly basis.

I love bread, I love fresh baked bread, and I've always loved making bread except for the fact that it can be very time consuming. 
Until now.
I know I'm a little behind on this trend, and you've all possibly heard about this by now. I had heard about the book, Artisan Bread in Five Minutes A Day a few years ago and just never bought it even though it intrigued me for obvious reasons.
Well, my friends, Zoe and Jeff did the best thing that cookbook authors can do, and that is share their basic master recipe FOR FREE, on youtube. This is brilliant because when they share the master recipe for free, people like me see it and get really excited about it and tell everyone on Earth about it, and other people who aren't so cheap go out and buy all their books.
So one day here I am browsing Pinterest and a suggested pin for the youtube videos they did comes up, and now I've been baking it (almost)once a week because it is so delicious and easy.

The original white recipe I tried first, and let me tell you it was nice and crusty on the outside, soft and light on the inside
This is probably the more favorable one because it's just like good crusty Italian bread, since it's a traditional boule.
I also made the whole wheat version which probably would have come out better if I didn't do them as rolls. Next time, I do plan to make the whole wheat but to bake it as loaves. 
I didn't get a picture of the finished product on Thanksgiving, but they came out pretty well. I think more room on the pan would have made them crustier, and less doughy on the inside- that was my error. They rose quite a lot and became more like hamburger buns as left overs so it was nice to have them around for sandwiches!
I haven't made any in the last couple weeks, actually contrary to what I wrote at the beginning of this post, but only because I've still got so much in the house between Christmas, and parties, and having family over, and just have not had the need for bread with meals because there's so much in the house. 
I plan to make a batch of the whole wheat maybe next week, I will post on how that comes out!
As for now, I highly recommend making the traditional white recipe! It takes practically no time, and it's soooo good!

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