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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Cilantro Limeade

I had a mean hankering for a cherry limeade this afternoon after seeing half a lime staring at me, so I  came up with this. I don't have a juicer, just an antique blender so I can't remark on how this would taste if you did this with a juicer, but let me know if you try it that way! 
I always love Sonic's limeades, but I'm pretty sure they have soda and all kinds of awful stuff in them. I figured if I had that lime flavor hit the back of my mouth with something crisp, that might satisfy my craving. Cilantro + lime is just sooooooo...perfect. So I did that and I suspect if I had some seltzer to pour in at the end, this would have been superb!*

*Edit: I added a shot of seltzer after I wrote that, and it is indeed, superb! Try it! 

Cilantro Limeade

  • 1 cup, or 1 handful baby spinach leaves
  • 1 cup pineapple juice
  • 1 cup water
  • ⅔ oz. packaged* cilantro
  • ½ lime, skin and pith removed
  • optional: seltzer after blending
Put all ingredients except seltzer into a blender and blend until liquefied. Pour into a glass with ice, and top off with seltzer, if desired.

*It is sometimes hard for me to find bunched cilantro, and I wind up buying it in a plastic box. This is the typical size I find, but realistically it's about half a standard bunch- or a good handful.

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