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Thursday, May 15, 2014

Cilantro Limeade

I had a mean hankering for a cherry limeade this afternoon after seeing half a lime staring at me, so I  came up with this. I don't have a juicer, just an antique blender so I can't remark on how this would taste if you did this with a juicer, but let me know if you try it that way! 
I always love Sonic's limeades, but I'm pretty sure they have soda and all kinds of awful stuff in them. I figured if I had that lime flavor hit the back of my mouth with something crisp, that might satisfy my craving. Cilantro + lime is just sooooooo...perfect. So I did that and I suspect if I had some seltzer to pour in at the end, this would have been superb!*

*Edit: I added a shot of seltzer after I wrote that, and it is indeed, superb! Try it! 

Cilantro Limeade

  • 1 cup, or 1 handful baby spinach leaves
  • 1 cup pineapple juice
  • 1 cup water
  • ⅔ oz. packaged* cilantro
  • ½ lime, skin and pith removed
  • optional: seltzer after blending
Put all ingredients except seltzer into a blender and blend until liquefied. Pour into a glass with ice, and top off with seltzer, if desired.

*It is sometimes hard for me to find bunched cilantro, and I wind up buying it in a plastic box. This is the typical size I find, but realistically it's about half a standard bunch- or a good handful.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Vegan Taco Meat

Being that yesterday was "Taco Tuesday" and all, I figured I should share with you how I made mine last night!
I made Pico de Gallo, guacamole, and my own taco filling, or "meat".
I had planned to make tacos anyway, but look at these tomatoes:

Tomatoes are pretty much my favorite food.

For a small batch of Pico de Gallo:
  • 4 medium-small tomatoes
  • ½ medium onion (preferably red or a shallot)
  • ⅔ oz. cilantro leaves*
  • zest of half a lime
  • juice of one lime
  • 1 tsp. olive oil
  • salt & pepper, to taste

*if you can't find bunched cilantro, this is typically the size you would find boxed.

Chop tomatoes, onion, and cilantro leaves. Toss in a bowl with lime zest, lime juice, olive oil, salt & pepper. Allow to marinate at least 10 minutes.

For the Guacamole:
  • 3 ripe avocados
  • ¼ cup Pico de Gallo
  • juice of one lime

Split the avocados, remove pits and scoop out the insides. Mash in a bowl with a fork or potato masher, add the Pico, lime juice, and optionally some salt & pepper, then mix together and allow to marinate for 10 minutes as well.

Now, for the star of the show! The taco meat!

I've fiddled with a number of taco meat recipes, involving lentils, nuts, mushrooms, pintos, roasted chickpeas, and even mock meats and TVP. I prefer to use whole foods rather than mock meats primarily because they are processed foods. Seitan I prefer to use on its own, or as sausages especially because I haven't found it anywhere and where I have it's expensive so I make it myself. That being said, tacos would turn into an afternoon rather than a half hour or so of simple, easy cooking when we have plans for the evening or just want to go outside and play!

Vegan Taco Meat

  • 1 cup dry lentils (any variety, I used green)
  • 10 "Baby Bella" mushroom caps (medium sized)
  • 2 cups vegetable broth
  • ¼ cup BBQ sauce
  • 2 small bay leaves
  • 1 tsp. chili powder
  • pinch red pepper flakes
  • salt & pepper, to taste
  • olive oil, or more broth, for the pan
  • *optional: taco seasoning of choice
To prepare the lentils, rinse well and place in a pot with bay leaves, red pepper flakes, and vegetable broth. Cover loosely, and bring to a boil over medium heat. Once boiling, lower to medium-low, and allow to simmer about a half hour, until most of the liquid is absorbed. Turn off the heat, and cover with a lid and allow to sit for another half hour or so (I usually do this an hour or two before I need them so they are cooked, but not mushy). Remove bay leaves.

Chop the mushrooms into a small dice, and add to a warmed (preferably cast iron)skillet with the oil/broth on medium heat. Allow to saute until tender. Add the cooked lentils, chili powder, salt & pepper, and saute about five more minutes, until things are fragrant. Add BBQ sauce, and turn heat off. Stir until evenly coated and everything is hot, serve!