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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Spinach Bake

Last night I was feeling particularly lazy and had remembered seeing a recipe somewhere for a spinach bake. I was feeling like I really didn't want to do too much prep or clean up and not have to worry about defrosting anything for 6-8 hours. I was also thinking, "if I'm going to laze this out- it should at least have some nutritional value". I found the original recipe here but I did modify a few ingredients.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Salami Bread

I know I have neglected posting here for some time, and I apologize to any and all readers I have (which I sort of assumed was approximately 0). I have been preoccupied lately, with nothing important, but just haven't been into making original recipes lately. Someone gave me a copy of "The Joy of Cooking" and I've kind of been raiding it. I figured I shouldn't be blogging about recipes that I didn't create myself, but I suppose I could be at least reviewing the recipes I do make from it.

Anyway, out of nostalgia and a generally morose mood and missing my mom, I decided I was going to make something that reminded me of her and my childhood and all the wonderful memories I have with her and my immediate family. I almost made some cheesecake because that was her favorite dessert, (that's a secret recipe I wouldn't have shared anyway) but then I thought about how she only made it for holidays and special occasions. She didn't make it when she wanted to make something for us or when she wanted to give us a home-cooked, from scratch recipe. My mom didn't like to cook, or bake really except for holidays. So, this is something we didn't get very often and mostly on a Sunday afternoon when she had some time. And she always made it when we were all together, so it was kind of like a bonding thing. It sounds really lame, but this is something that was a real treat and I always remember her putting it in the oven, like time stopped in those memories. I'm trying to describe something immaterial, and I can't do it very well so I'm just going to get to it.

My mom always called this "salami bread", but it's basically Stromboli. It's not very good for you, but it IS delicious--and today I really don't care whether it's healthy or not!