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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Easiest Quiche Ever (Seriously!)

I made this for my sister in law and very good friend one afternoon for lunch- as something really quick and super easy for company, and I was asked for the recipe a few times. I never got around to writing it up, but as my friend requested I post it, I figured it into my meals this week. So here you have a tasty Quiche per request!

The beauty of this recipe is that you can put anything you want in it, and there's no crust-the dry ingredients will settle to the bottom and form one!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Zucchini & Quinoa "Lasagna"

I promise this will be the last Zucchini recipe for a while as I am going to bake some more Zucchini bread to freeze because I really cannot eat anymore or it might start growing from my ears!

I found a very similar recipe to this on the internet, and I know raw foodists tend to make "pasta" from Zucchini many times. Hungry Girl did a very similar eggplant tower.  This uses Quinoa as the protein and almost winds up like the ground beef in a meat sauce. I did mine differently by roasting(because I really love the way roasted veggies taste)and not using cream cheese or sour cream, I kind of stayed a little purist here. Not totally original, but if anyone ever gives you 10 pounds of Zucchini- rest assured, you will find plenty of recipes on my blog. 

Sorry I'm not as descriptive today...I'm tired tonight!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Shrimp Pasta

My husband is a big fan of Cioppino and Zuppa de Pesce, and he likes it 'Fra Diavolo'. So every few weeks I say "What are you in the mood for this week?" and he usually winds up saying "Let's do some sort of shrimp pasta...Fra Diavolo!" I make a few variations, but this is how I did it tonight.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Zucchini "Parm"

Quite a few years back now, I went to the county fair and there was a cooking expo thing going on and the Zucchini was the star of the show. They came up with a Zucchini "parm" but that called for breading and frying the vegetable, and I didn't want to get into that because the frying kind of ruins the fact that you're eating a vegetable as a main course. I tried to think of how I could make it at least similar, and still taste good without having a stroke in the same night. So I decided to roast the Zucchini in place of breading and frying. 

Blueberry Zucchini Bread

I am still swimming in Zucchini. I am literally, over my head in these squash! Ok, not literally because then I wouldn't have any room in here to even type :) I am trying desperately lately not to make sweet treats, but I was asked to bring a dessert last Sunday, and now I have got to do something with these things! Since our very, very good friends are moving into their first home this weekend (and we are helping!), I figure one of the loaves can go to them as a little housewarming present. The other loaf we can slowly eat over a few days. Right.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Garlic Scapes, Pasta, & Garlic Bread

I was so excited to do this recipe all day today, and this is the dish that inspired me to start writing here. Garlic scapes. These were something we got in a box of produce that John came home with one day, and I am so happy he did! At first I had no idea what to do with them and so I went to the internet to find a recipe but all I could find were pesto and stuff like that. Then, I thought to myself hmm..garlic, fresh tomatoes...let's marry these two things! I did them with some pasta and garlic bread tonight.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

2-3 Recipes: My Version of "Fiesta-Lime" Seasoning; Chorizo, Rice, & Bean Stuffed Peppers; And, Leftover Rice & Vegetables.

Remember when I said yesterday that I had gotten a bunch of peppers? Well, today I've decided to stuff those suckers with rice and beans! Mine are kind of small, though, so I had to come up with something quick to do with the leftover rice & bean stuffing.  So, here are 2-3 recipes depending upon your opinion of quick-fix-leftover ideas!

(Click there ↓ for the recipes!)

Monday, July 23, 2012

2 Recipes for Monday: Fish Piccata & Veggie Stuffed Zucchini

One of the perks of my husband's job is that he works on a lot of people's cars, and a lot of people like to garden and show their gratitude in the form of fresh, free vegetables, or even fish!   The other day he came home with over a dozen small green bell peppers(that's tomorrow night!), and some giant--I mean, really, the most enormous I've ever seen-- Zucchini. The next night, another friend and customer said he had some fresh striped Bass for us, and I really couldn't let it sit around for long!

Kid Breakfast.

I get asked what kinds of things I give my little girl to eat because people know I not only made my own baby food purées, but also try really hard to make everything myself without using packets or shortcuts. I am a stay at home mom, so I have time for this, generally, but it's also important to me to give my family whole, pure foods and I feel the scratch method is the best way to do this. Anyway- one of the easiest, quickest things to do for a little kid is oatmeal. Mine loves it, and not only is it simple but it's full of fiber & whole grains. It keeps her fuller for a longer time and I like to just throw in her fruit choice of the day so it's not the same thing twice a week. The best part is that everything can be adjusted to different amounts depending on portion or tastes!

Cinnamon-Raisin Oatmeal

  • 1/3 cup rolled oats
  • 1/3 cup Raisins
  • 1/4 tsp. Cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp. honey, agave, or maple syrup
  • very small pinch of sea salt
  • hot, or boiling water
Put everything in a cereal bowl and add hot or boiling water until desired consistency is achieved.

Kid approved!

Have a great day!

©The Village Farmhouse | Amy Heck 2012. Please do not steal my images.

Recipe: Maple Peach Crisp

Summer is in full swing, and one of my favorite things about summer is Peaches are now readily available in most markets. While I love buying according to season,  I can never wait until August for the local crop to come around, and I eat them in great quantities and love to use them for dessert. Peaches are so versatile and sweet they are perfect grilled, and for baking with little to no additional sweeteners...or just by themselves!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Hello and welcome to anyone who happens to see my little piece of the internet here. My name is Amy, I live in a farmhouse built in 1890 with my husband, 2 year old daughter, Black Labrador (Bowser), and two little kitties that come & go as they please. I decided to start this little blog because I try to eat well, or "clean" as a lot of people label it and I am asked how I make things an awful lot. I like to craft, sew, and make things myself-but most of the time I only am able to create in the kitchen. So, I decided this is a good place to start compiling (and testing) recipes mostly, and anything else I get the itch to try out! I hope this isn't just another food blog, and I hope I never bore anyone, either!